
Life Happens Differently

If Andrew’s story tells us anything, it’s; ‘Life does not owe anybody a living,’ you just live. The 26-year-old bodybuilder and fitness model lives on an artificial heart, and consequently carries a pacemaker attached to a backpack where ever he goes.

In 2012, Andrew Jones was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. A disease that affects the efficiency of the heart to pump blood, and while waiting for a full transplant, he relies on equipment called Left Ventricular Assist Device (LAVD).

Andrew who has been known to refer to himself as “As pretty much the best looking Zombie you will ever see…” has not only refused to allow his condition to slow him down but has founded Hearts at Large, a charity aimed to raise awareness on the issues of life-saving transplants and to offer support and encouragement to transplant patients.

Life happens differently everyday, what do you make of it?

Babry Gernah
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